A.I. LAMB is proud to announce the spin-off and launch of a stand-alone business, smartlox

A.I. LAMB is proud to announce the spin-off and launch of a stand-alone business, smartlox

Smartlox delivers a keyless access experience to its customers that are looking for more intelligent ways to access their facilities or assets.

The Smartlox solution specialises in modernising security, access control and personnel safety in remote locations all while advancing operational intelligence.

Centred around an integrated and convenient cloud platform and digital credentials that are created then sent and stored in mobile devices or wearables, Smartlox enables employees and contractors to efficiently and securely access what they need to when they need to, eliminating the use of physical keys and giving asset owners piece of mind that their asset and facilities are safe, secure and compliant.

We have a lot of exciting things in the works for 2022 and beyond so please visit www.smartlox.com.au to join our mailing list to keep in touch.

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