Smart Lockout Tagout and Worksite Isolations for Group Lockouts

Smart Lockout Tagout and Worksite Isolations for Group Lockouts

The Challenge

Isolations of large workplaces in the rail corridor are inefficient and create additional safety risk where travel (both vehicular and by foot) is required between lock points.

Additionally most work is conducted under tight time frames due to the nature of working around existing rail services and minimising disruption.

The Result

  • Enabled workers to lock on and off remotely to reduce travel to and from lock points
  • Provided visibility of the number of other workers still operating alongside them on a lockout
  • Eliminated the need for them to carry personal locks and keys.
  • Organisation saved on average 3 hours a day by making group isolations more efficient
  • Digital audit trail that isolation procedures were performed in accordance to specified procedures


With a lot of pressure and limited windows of time for track access, Smart Loto was a no-brainer to allow our work groups to lock on and off to isolations quickly and safely without the need to apply their own personal safety locks. All the staff found the solution easy to use and loved using it. We believe our return on investment (ROI) was basically made on the first day that we implemented the solution. The ability for staff to apply and remove their personal lockout remotely resulted in further reduction in risks where workers would normally have had to drive to apply their locks.

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